
Credendi Technics Research Paper

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Credendi, in turn, represents technics. The redoubled body sources, alters, and reinscribes externalised memory sources. Every linear parsing of sourcing, changing, and reinscribing remains somewhat synthetic due to the simultaneous genesis of the who and what. The ideology of linear human progress, as a well-guarded modern social construct, hides this immiseration. But, for clarity, the following account of credendi adheres to the three terms of sourcing, changing, and reinscribing. Credendi is (i) always already a structured whole, a cultural world, an atmosphere in which orandi finds itself. Every time individuals or groups parse themselves, they must draw on some externalised memory, some technics, some structured ready-to-hand. Even the most intimate prayer, for example, uses or reacts to past language sculpted through creedal formulations. A particular prayer permutation may seem unique at first, but the trained ear is quick to pick up its sources. A particular emergent prayer permutation may ascend, in time and through small local effects, from niches to shared credendi technics. Credendi is also (ii) a stand-in for the public sphere. Now, any externalised knowledge is, of course, already structured for us. One never engages brute credendi technics ex nihilo. All technics have genealogies, often forgotten, which mould them into forms …show more content…

Lex as lexicon that mingles and translated orandi and credendi into a social borscht, a primordial cultural soup, a fluid symbol World in the making. But lexicon, here, designates more than the words available to a particular sphere of activity. Lexicons, also, denote everything from crude to rarified communication fields linking the private and public sphere which make various Worlds possible (Sheldrake, 2003: 19, 21-23). If one goes hunting for spirituality, then, I suggest tracing the assemblage lex, orandi, credendi but paying particular attention to

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