
Essay On A Waste Of Time To Teach Patois

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Literature Review The term Creole can be described as a language which comes into being through contact between two or more languages. In relating to Jamaica, the creole language came about by the Africans slaves were forced into accepting Standard English which they the reduced in order to obtain a common language, Creole for communication, a point expounded on by Ruby Madden The importance of the use of Creole in the Jamaican society is a topic that is highly debatable, and relates and is affected by ones cultural upbringing. The perception of the languages Creole and Standard English varies and dates back to the times of slavery when Jamaicans had Standard English presented as a superior language and the indigenous language was denigrated to an inferior status. More than 90% of the 2.5 million people in Jamaica are descendants of …show more content…

In the article “A Waste of Time to Teach Patois,” published by Keisha Hill of the Jamaica Gleaner, former prime minister and chancellor of the University of Technology, Edward Seaga, weighing in on the issue, says it would be a waste of the country's educational resources to teach Patois in schools.” There is no standard way of spelling a particular word in Patois,” Seaga said. “If you want people to be able to talk to one another in Jamaica and outside of Jamaica, it does not make any sense.” He further stated that “If you look at it, government and commercial papers are all in English. Newspapers are mostly in English with a few Patois articles and Patois quotations in English articles.” With powerful and influential individuals such as the former prime minister of Jamaica and the JTA president having different insight on the use of Creole and Standard English. They are able to affect the views of the use of Jamaican Creole which may cause a rift in terms of the languages spoken in

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