
Creon As A Tragic Hero In Antigone, By Sophocles

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A tragedy is a relative term for great sadness, but in the times of the Greeks and the Romans, the word tragedy had a slightly different meaning. Aristotle defined a tragic hero as one who has a major character flaw and experiences a tragedy leading to that character’s downfall. The character must experience a loss in fortune and suffer beyond what they deserve. In the story Antigone was written by Sophocles, Creon can be defined as a tragic hero more so than Antigone. Creon is the king of Thebes; he is stubborn but loyal. His loyalties lie with his city, and he believes that personal affairs come second to the city of Thebes. After the rebels, atack Thebes Creon enacts a law stating that Polynices, one of the rebels, is forbidden to be buried. Furthermore, he declares that burial of Polynices will be punishable by death. In Ancient Greece a burial determined entrance into the afterlife. Creon reckoned that Polynices was an enemy of the state who did not deserve entrance into the afterlife. However, Polyneices sister, Antigone, wants to bury her brother. Antigone believes that family matters should take priority over conflicts of the state. Additionally, because the gods did not proclaim this law Antigone believes she should not have to follow Creon’s law. Creon argues the point of civil law while Antigone places power in moral law. Civil law is the idea that the person in a position of power makes the laws and that no one, not even the king is above the law. Moral law is

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