
Creon Tragic Hero Analysis

Decent Essays

Aristotle once spoke that "A man doesn't become a hero until he can see the root of his own downfall." A tragic hero can be defined in many different traits and definitions but what makes a perfect tragic hero? It also can have many different meanings and actions towards it. A perfect tragic hero must have a flaw of judgement leading to a tragic flaw also know as a Hamartia. Also a person who is a royal birth and holds a high place in society. Lastly a tragic hero must discover or recognize that the reversal was brought about by their own actions. Creon in Antigone is a perfect example of meeting Aristotle's criteria as a tragic hero.

A hero's tragic flaw is usually due to the character's lack of knowledge, lack of judgment, and overwhelming pride. The flaw leads to destructive consequences but that does not define the hero as a "bad" character. More so Aristotle believes that the tragic hero brings their downfall to evoke the feelings of pity and fear among the audience. Aristotle says that "pity is aroused by unmerited misfortune, fear by the misfortune of a man like ourselves." This is why majority a of tragic hero's have those traits, pity and fear, in their plays. In his play Antigone, Creon can be …show more content…

It's a very important part of the play in a tragedy in which the protagonist recognizes his tragic flaw. In literary terms a anagnorisis is when the protagonist discovers who another character really is. Also according to Literary Devices "Anagnorisis is a moment in a plot or story, specifically a tragedy where the main character recognizes or identifies his/her true nature, or that of the other character’s true identity, or discovers true nature of his situation, or that of the others, leading to the resolution of the story."Aristotle criteria also said that anagnorisis is when the character discovers their actions that has brought about the

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