
Crispin The Cross Of Lead Summary

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Crispin: The Cross of Lead by Avi In the beginning, Crispin's mother, Asta, had recently passed away. Crispin extremely upset by his mother's death so he runs into the woods crying. He trips and falls and passes out. He later wakes up with a large welt on his forehead. He looks around in the forest and finds John Aycliffe, the steward of Stromford, with another person. John Aycliffe is upset by Crispin interrupting their discussion. In result he chases Crispin, but Crispin is able to get away. When Crispin is returning to his village he hears church bells and sees people meeting. They announced that a Wolf’s head had been placed on Crispin and that anyone who had successfully killed him got 20 shillings. Later during nighttime Crispin goes to the church to meet the priest of his village, Father Quinel. Father Quinel reveals Crispin’s real name and gives him a lead cross that his mother previously possessed, and tells him to meet again at Goodwife Peregrine’s house tomorrow so he can give Crispin some things for his travels. The next day after Crispin obeys his orders but is stopped by Cedric who tells Crispin that Father Quinel could not meet with Crispin and that he should go west. Crispin does not pay attention and goes to Goodwife Peregrines anyway. She gives him some things and Crispin leaves Stromford. After a …show more content…

This was difficult because of how he looked. When he was caught one time he would have been in a sticky situation if Bear had not come by to save him in time. Another reason why this was difficult was because Crispin had no training in combat until Bear had taught him. Also with being a performer it just makes him ten times more obvious. In addition, in the beginning with Bear had he messed up and said the wrong thing too many times and he might have been killed by Bear himself. Now likes discuss how this novel gives someone an inside look what is was like to live in Europe during the Middle

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