
Critical Appreciation Of Henry James

Decent Essays

Henry James, like Shakespeare, had the exceptional quality in divining and rendering the poetry of female psyche. Only a few novelists who have shown better understanding of tender and dreamy hearts of women than James were Jane Austen, George Eliot, Sir Walter Scott, George Meredith and Thomas Hardy.
James was a keen observer and could distinguish between American and European women. He was deeply affected by American women’s spiritual charm and moral beauty. That is why George Eliot’s heroines – Dorothea Brooke and Gwendolen Harleth, in particular, is the nearest approximation of James’s own heroines. Reviewing Middlemarch, James wrote about Dorothea: ` she exhales a sort of aroma of spiritual sweetness.’ In deepest level, he was inspired by emotion and intuition rather than by intelligence and intellect. Due to certain deep, psychological reasons the young American woman evoked the strongest spiritual response in James till the end. As for his European heroines like Christina Light, Eugenia and Madam de Vionnet – they represent a different order and style of charm. Their appeal is that of `achieved woman’. …show more content…

There is no doubt that James’s own repressed sexuality, which breaks out in the later fiction is chiefly responsible for his emotional shrinking and diffidence in the presence of roused sexuality. Isabel Archer’s case is often cited as a typical example of sexual fear and frigidity. Perhaps deep down in her puritan psyche, there is still the idea of essential ugliness and bestiality of sex- an idea which somehow is not wholly dissipated, for all her cultural enlightenment. In fact her very refinement of spirit compounds her errors and adds to such distortions in her vision. Her rejection of Caspar Goodwood, in particular, appears to be a rejection of male sexuality roused to a desperate pitch. Somehow her spirit quailed at the thought of her body’s violation by so insistent a

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