
Critical Essay on, "The Fall of the House of Usher."

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He approached the house wearily, noting with growing horror its advanced, albeit subtle, state of decay; however the labyrinth of phantasm that composed its interior belied the crumbling edifice... Poe's gothic tale has inspired generations of readers with his unique style of rich detail and sheer horror. In, “The Fall of the House of Usher” one finds the house mysteriously connected with its inhabitants. As they slowly fall into a state of decay, both mental and physical, so also does its structure weaken, eventually collapsing into the tarn in which it was standing, as its tenants fall prey to the strain of body and mind. Without them, the house cannot stand.

In the beginning of the story, Poe describes the bleak condition of the …show more content…

He spends his days painting the most bizarre pictures, like that of a deep tunnel lit from within by invisible sources of colored light; playing pieces he composes extemporaneously on his guitar, then reciting to these melodies incoherent lyrics revealing a mind in torment. As his sister's condition worsens and finally is ended by her death, he becomes almost maniacal in his pursuit of the fantastic. Both the narrator and Roderick are horrified by her appearance of life, even triumphing over her disease, and wonder as they lock her in an old keep for a fortnight. Poe does not fail to inspire within the reader a sense of awe in her death, nor does he spare the lurid details of the terror lurking within this burial scene of the lady Madeline. And so it is the beginning of the end.

Soon Roderick takes to pacing all about the dark house, his mental condition deteriorating no less rapidly than his physical; and even that has nearly reached its last stages of deterioration. “The pallor of his countenance had assumed, if possible, a more ghastly hue – but the luminousness of his eye had utterly gone out.” Gazing upon vacancies for hours, speaking in tremulous quavering tones – it appears to the narrator as if he is concealing something which weighs so heavily on his mind that he is slowly going mad. Then one stormy, sleepless night, the narrator relates how the seemingly needless

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