
Benefit Of Critical Analysis Essay

Satisfactory Essays

A Philosophical Examination of the Benefit of Critical Analysis in the Examination of Knowledge and Belief in the Writings of Plato, Kant, Kierkegaard, and Clifford

In this philosophy study, an examination of the importance of critical analysis of knowledge (facts) and belief are important features in the writings of Plato, Kant, Kierkegaard, and Clifford. In Socrates view, the fickle nature of beliefs are often misconstrued as being “knowledge”, which defines the ambiguous barrier between reality and non-reality as a basis for values. Clifford defines the importance of gathering factual evidence as part of forming knowledge as truth over time, instead of the fickle nature of belief that is often formed without facts. Kant’s evaluation of …show more content…

In this context, he understands the difference between a true understanding of belief, such as that the Gods have given knowledge to humanity), but he is also aware that these beliefs may, in fact, be unfounded in terms of factual knowledge:
Socrates. I myself do not speak as someone who knows; this is only an image. Still, I don’t think I am speaking in images when I say that true opinion is something different from knowledge. I would not claim to know many things; but this is one of the few things that I do claim to know (Plato 98b).
In this manner, Socrates is discerning between what he knows and what he does not know, which creates an analytical context in which he argues about beliefs and knowledge with Meno. This discerning quality in Socrates’ argument is based on understanding knowledge and true beliefs in relation to what he calls “correct belief” as part of social norms: Then if they weren’t virtuous by knowledge, the only other alternative is that they were virtuous by correct belief. It was by correct belief that these statesmen guided their cities” (Plato 99c-99b). In this manner, Socrates provides a critical analysis of beliefs, which are often followed without having any factual evidence to support these beliefs. This is an important reason why critical analysis of belief and knowledge are crucial in understanding what is deemed “truth”

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