
Critical Reflection And Intercultural Relations Between Jewish And Muslim Traditions And Nature Of Experiencing The Divine

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Deeply embedded in Islam, Maimonides philosophical works engages in critical reflection and analysis of intercultural relations between Jewish and Muslim traditions and the nature of experiencing the divine. In contrast to his Muslim counterparts however, Maimonides argues against the Muslim hierarchy by stating that no one could ever surpass Moses or his prophecy. Thus Maimonides indirectly rejects the Muslim belief of Muhammad, as well as the Koran, superseding Moses and the Torah. While Judaism and Islam share a monotheist theology, their distinctions and theological overlaps of religious prophecy raises issues of superiority and supremacy in Jewish and Muslim traditions.

According to Annabel Keeler, author of, Moses from a Muslim Perspective, the Koran is the Islamic sacred book, believed to be the direct word of Allah, as dictated to Muhammad, in which illustrates Muhammad’s struggle to spread the belief of G-d, as well as highlights the rejection of the Jewish people to Allah. Keeler, in explicating the Islamic view of Moses, demonstrates that Moses exhibits several of the major themes in Islamic tradition, and is therefore mentioned 502 times in the Koran since he is the prophet “whose career as a messenger of God, lawgiver and leader of his community most closely parallels and foreshadows that of Muhammad”. Thus Moses is considered to be a prophetic predecessor to Muhammad, as well as the pioneer of Muslim prayer since he was the first to establish the practice of

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