
Criticism And Mccarthyism In Arthur Miller's The Crucible

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Arthur Miller’s The Crucible is an instance that proves subliminally what is wrong with society and mankind in overall perspective the book gives a feeling of relation to what happens now. Arthur Miller in a sense tried to put forth a message through this book beginning with McCarthyism, which was happening around the time it was written, but relating to the present it definitely sends a message even if it was written in the past. Miller does just what is needed to explain human nature and our behavior.
The first thing that you could say Miller expresses them to do is the act of only having a certain way do to do things and what is right and wrong that is explained through this explained through this quote
You must understand, sir, that a person is either with this court or he must be counted against it, there be no road between. This is a sharp time, now, a precise time—we live no longer in the dusky afternoon when evil mixed itself with good and befuddled the world. Now, by God’s grace, the shining sun is up, and them that fear not light will surely praise it. (Miller 87)
This explains what we have wrong in society today and how it relates is that people who are discriminated are for the same reason that they don’t do things as the rest. Differences cause our violence and isolation. We have distinctions that are the “road between” as the quote says and now in a so-called advanced society we still have these negative thoughts about their only being a single right way to do things. We see this in the way people see other people who are differently oriented. They take homosexuality as unacceptable because to people there is only one way to be with someone and that is to the opposite sex. Although, back then it did happen that there was only one way and no road in between the present gives people that opportunity to choose an alternate, with that, there are still prejudices against the LGBTQ community as there was when people started to do things differently in Salem. Through this book the main plot is conflict. In our nature and as part of the Human Condition conflict is inevitable. Miller put the message across by using a historical event that was a dispute and which led to deaths. The book does not let the

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