
Critique Of Marx 's ' The Capitalist '

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MARX Thesis: The Capitalist observes the resistance of workers against the unfair lengths of the work day. He comments on the neglectful legislation supposedly providing workers with freedom. Marx outlines the roles of many groups during the time period of The Factory Act including men; children; women; lawmakers; and capitalists. Despite being a capitalist, Marx tends to side with those of the labourers in this section. He finds the controversial idea of the ‘working day’ tedious as he goes through the stages of the Factory act in the 1800’s. Key Points: In this section Marx addresses the dispute between the working class and the capitalists. He identifies the roles of all classes involved, including men, women, children, lawmakers, and capitalists. The workers are providing their labour in order to make a living and feel they should be treated justly in doing so. Capitalists stand by the acts of hard works and maximizing profit. They intend to exploit as much of their workers’ time as they can for labour purposes only. The authority of lawmakers was also addressed in this section and their slight neglect to treat the unfair labour laws. Marx claims the lawmakers turned a blind eye towards the capitalist’s exploitation of the workers (Marx pp. 6) This causes difficulty for the working class and their journey to justice. Even though new Acts are constantly being made and adjusted, they are exploitable and not much help to the working class. Marx mentions children in the

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