
Critique Of The Lode Runner

Decent Essays

From the numerous challenging levels to the addictive gameplay and simple to use editor, there are many reasons why the original Lode Runner is considered a classic by many people. Since its release in 1983 there has been a steady stream of sequels and ports for just about every system imaginable, but the original still holds fond memories for most fans. Before the bombs, teleporters and other gimmicks added by later games, you simply ran around avoiding enemies while recovering stolen gold. Your character was incapable of jumping and your only means of defending yourself was a gun that could be used to create holes in the ground to trap enemies. Lode Runner Legacy continues in this tradition, but wraps up the classic gameplay in a glossy new …show more content…

The “Adventure” mode is the best place to start as it eases you into the game and makes sure that you understand all the basics before ramping up the challenge. Spread across 50 different levels, this mode introduces new enemies along the way and levels are addictive enough that you’ll constantly want to have just one more go. Lode Runner has always been equal parts puzzle and action, so it is no surprise to see a “Puzzle” mode also making an appearance. Also containing 50 different levels, this mode drops the enemies and makes it all about figuring out how to get to the gold. Some of the puzzle levels definitely requires a bit of planning and lateral thinking to pull off, but they are just as addictive as the Adventure mode. One of the biggest treats in Lode Runner Legacy is the “Classic” mode, which offers exactly what it sounds like; all 150 levels of the original game. The levels in Classic mode also uses voxels instead of the original art style, but for the rest they are just as challenging and entertaining as you remember them. Some versions of the original game, like the NES release, didn’t include all of the original levels, so this is a great opportunity to see what you have missed if you only had access to a cut-down version back in the

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