
Critique Of The Theories Of Muslimness

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Critique of the Theories of Muslimness

In this section the aim is to investigate the theories of Muslimness, accusation of unbelief and apostasy. Since, the accusation of unbelief has both theoretical and practical problems in the history of Muslim cultures, it will be presented from the perspective of rational reason and scriptural reason. On the one hand, the problem of Muslimness and accusation of unbelief is based on the view of the majority of Muslim scholars, on the other hand, this issue have always been risky consequences and is still continuing in the present days, which bring insecurity in the modern days in both Islamic countries and non-Muslim lands.
For this reason, the origin of accusation and the manner of an encounter …show more content…

It is mentioned in another passage of the Qur’an that” “There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion” (2:256). Some hadiths that have also been prohibited the Muslim from the accusation of unbelief towards, other Muslim. “If a Muslim charges a fellow Muslim with kufr, he is himself a kāfir, if the accusation should prove untrue”; or the reproach of Kafir is equivalent to murder.
In contrary to these verses, there are some other verses about apostasy and unbelief that different sects of Muslim have distinguished interpretation. Based on their differences in interpretations they added various elements as supplementary principles of belief. These additional elements effect on the attitude and viewpoint of Muslim that caused to exclude Muslims from Muslimness and may bring unpleasant behavior that is not acceptable in Islam. This exclusion Muslims each other from Islam have serious consequences and in some cases risky and unsafe effects. The impact of this performance can be found at schism, violence, religious cleansing and terrorist attack in both Muslim lands and at the global level. It also has been affected to issue legal opinions (fatwa) and the Islamic law by religious scholars (‘ulama’ and fuqaha’). For instance, according to the law of apostasy:

Every individual of the male sex who, born in the religion of Islam, apostatizes, no longer enjoys the protection of Islam, but is ipso facto condemned to death. His wife should be

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