
Critique of Asimov's "I, Robot" Essay

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Isaac Asimov thrills the reader with his story-telling ability in "I, Robot".  Of course, many of Asimov's ideas provide a ploy to add suspense to the story.  However, when the plot completely disagree with the laws which he himself has written, the story becomes confusing.  On the surface, it appears that his stories make legitimate and logical sense, as well as entertaining the audience in a magnificent way.  However, any deeper analysis of the story will prove that there are several significant flaws in the work.  This can best be shown in one of Asimov's earlier stories, "Reason."  In this story, the first and second of the three laws of robotics are broken.  It is never explained how it would be …show more content…


Let me pause for a minute to explain.  Has Powell really given an order?  Do the 3 laws require a robot to believe what a human tells it?  The answer, I believe, is yes.  According to the first law, a robot is not allowed to let a human being come to harm.  This not only includes physical harm, but includes mental harm as well.  Mental harm can take place in numerous ways.  For example, in this story, Powell and Donovan are told by Cutie that their beliefs are wrong in that the only point to their existence is to serve the Master.  This idea is very distressing to Powell and Donovan.  Donovan even begins to question his own beliefs, "Say, Greg, you don't suppose he's right about all this, do you?"  Therefore, a robot should never be able to tell a human that he is wrong because it will hurt the human mentally.  This idea is demonstrated in another of Asimov's stories called "Liar."  In this story, a mind-reading robot is unable to tell the truth because the truth is detrimental to the mental well-being of several of the characters in the story.  Therefore, it is imperative for  a robot to agree with what a human says because it would otherwise contradict the first law.  

Once again, according to the second law, a robot must obey

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