
Crossing Boundaries Research Paper

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Crossing boundaries is needed but the full potential is never achieved. The majority of people needs to cross boundaries in several points of their life to reach their potential, but no one ever reaches their full potential, however, crossing boundaries is an effective step toward reaching the full potential if it’s ever to be reached yet crossing boundaries is essential for achieving a goal or a dream. The full potential is when consummating the whole list of goals in life and this list is never accomplished because no one ever stops adding to their list, anyhow , if they stop, their life would be a plain, straight road with no ups and downs, no directions, no houses or buildings, no sessions, just a plain, long, straight road, and undoubtedly …show more content…

Memories are a humans’s small time-machines for traveling to their past at anytime. The relation found in Li’s story also in Villawood Mum’s about how they crossed boundaries physically but they kept holding on to their memories, their memories were the only bridge to their old lives. Crossing a specific boundary may not be just physical, it is also metaphorically and that’s has a giant impact on the psychological state. So when Li left his family and moved on to start his career in the Ballet Academy, he spent the first years in the school in remembrance of his old life and he didn’t move forward because he was stuck between his past and present. His family was always there with him and he mentioned that in this line: “I couldn’t stop thinking of my family back home.”(-p.118), his memories lived within him and the evidence is the acknowledgment of many details, stories and photos that are found in his autobiography. Photos are the best way to translate a moment and keep it alive for ever. Li had all his pictures kept and they are shown in his autography, and this can be related to the Villawood Mums, they’ve kept all their old photos and that’s clearly shown in the film, when Maria and Zahoor were talking about their old lives. The technique used is ‘symbolism’, because they used the images to present the importances of their memories that they had kept. So crossing the boundaries

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