
The Meaning Of The Persistence Of Memory By Salvador Dali

Decent Essays

I remember the painting “The Persistence of Memory” by Salvador Dali that I could see in one of my textbooks back then when I was in Poland taking a history class. I really enjoyed the painting, even though I did not really know what the meaning of the painting was. Now, I got motivated to write a research paper about the piece of art, and to answer the question what the meaning of “The Persistence of Memory” by Salvador Dali is. The painting was created in 1931. Salvador Dali was a Spanish surrealist. Surrealism was a movement in the culture that introduced new techniques of creating visual arts. Surrealism was concentrated on people’ imagination, dreams, subconscious and unconscious minds – on the nonphysical aspects of a human’s body. Surrealists often created their works using dream imagery. Symbols played an important role in the art of surrealism. Symbols expressed ideas and emotions that were held by the authors of the visual arts, and they usually had hidden meanings. Salvador Dali was passionate about the intangible parts of people’ minds and lives. (Stanley Meisler, pp.16-17) The main desire of the Salvador Dali’s painting titled “The Persistence of Memory” was to express the power of people’ memories with the respect to the passing time. However, the painting “The Persistence of Memory” has other significant meanings. Some art scholars strongly emphasize that there is a correlation between the painting of Salvador Dali and the General Theory of Relativity by

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