
Crucial To Little Women And Treasure Island Analysis

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Crucial to Little Women and Treasure Island is Amy March’s and Jim Hawkins’ journey abroad which also shows the characters trajectory from innocence to maturity. Certainly, both novels belong to the sub-genre of bildungsroman which is by definition, a story that depicts a journey from childhood to maturity. In spite of their different goals and outcomes, it is possible to trace some sort of parallelism between both journeys as they were indirectly intended to shape their characters in line with the social norms of that time. First and foremost, in Little Women, Amy’s castle in the air was “to be an artist, and go to Rome, and do fine pictures, and be the best artist in the whole world” (Alcott, 2008). In part two of Little Women, Amy travels abroad to Europe as a …show more content…

To demonstrate, as she understood that she is only talented, she turned to her subliminal alternative plan and married the wealthy Laurie. Nevertheless, she sat her relationship with art as patroness while devoting her own art to the service of the family. According to Holly Blackford (2011), Amy’s journey abroad eliminated Amy’s artistic demon that possessed her for a long time and was depriving her from being a little woman. Furthermore, she also argues that Amy’s voyage has smoothened her nature and made her more agreeable and this is particularly evident in her remark that “Whenever I see girls struggling along, as we used to do, I want to put out my hand and help them”(Alcott, 2008). Indeed, by contrasting Amy’s earlier selfishness with her selflessness at the end of the novel, it is obvious that this journey was instrumental in Amy’s conversion into a little woman. Nonetheless, it has also indulged and emphasized her conventionality as evident in her attack on Laurie in Lazy Laurence. However, in spite of the different goals and outcomes, it is possible to see a kind of parallel between Amy’s and Jim’s Journey

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