
Cruelty And Deception In Shakespeare's Macbeth

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Destruction, Cruelty, Deception. These words describe the tone that Shakespeare portrays in Macbeth. Macbeth shows these actions by committing murder and showing his disloyalty through his actions. Macbeth does not have any motive at all, but the constant pressuring from Lady Macbeth drives him right into the commitment of murder of the current king of Scotland, King Duncan. Lady Macbeth is telling Macbeth to be calm, these actions Lady Macbeth took was a sign of deception because of her continuous actions of driving Macbeth to commit murder. The 1971 version of Macbeth, directed by Roman Polanski, best illustrates Shakespeare’s reason for including the three witches. Wright’s version uses different techniques such as audio, lighting, and different camera angles to inform the viewers of Shakespeare’s intent for including the three witches, which ultimately leads to the death of Macbeth. In the original version of Macbeth, the three evil and pitiful witches are introduced by meeting a mass storm and they announce their intention to meet with Macbeth in the battlefield. This foreshadows the witches as being evil, dark and destructive because of the battlefield and how it portrays the negative tension. The sky is described as a gloomy atmosphere with dirt and “fog with filthy air” which signals downfall. As the witches leave they sing an unusual line, “foul is fair and fair is foul,” this implies more of an uncomfortable vibe being developed in the original Macbeth.

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