
Crusades Causes

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Root of the crusades in November the pop presented a spell in France it was a call to princes, knights and Clarks to wedge the war of the Catholic Church. Tens and thousands of men and women family’s and cities has joined the pope urban’s crusade. Pope urban told people that the crusades is a ticket to heaven. Many of the people believed that the crusade is a spiritual war and going to clear their soul of sins, the religion is what drove them. The Pope’s sermon pushed Cristian’s teaching in his war. Many had the power to by blessing ignore the sixth commandment thou shall not kill. They wanted soldiers to fight but to be rewarded instead of going to hell and suffer in the afterlife. In the year of 1096 after a whole year of the pope sermon armies from France, Germany, and Italy went out to meet Cristian’s from Muslim rule the fight for Jerusalem.

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The first crusade was preached by a pope name pope urban the second in France in 1095. Christians in Europe believed that Islamic message was against and a contradiction to what the Christians were saying. Many Christians were afraid that it could over run the Christian idea on believes. The pope urban the second said that it’s not a sin to kill non Christian’s and kill non believer’s in our faith, he made a deal that if you fight in a place called the holy land you will be forgiven, all the past sins the pope even says that going to the holy land is a ticket to heaven. It was a great deal for many of the soldiers that believed in their religion believes. The religion sold the soldiers a dream of fame, glory and they will be given great riches. This made many of the nights go on their crusades because of their open opportunity’s they are given. Many had rage to Muslims it created a different Muslim crusade causing them to raise an army. People would have never imagine how life would have been in the Middle East

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