
Cultural Beauty Ideals As A Form Of Ethnic Body Policing : Origins And Effects On East Asian Women

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Eurocentric Beauty Ideals as a Form of Ethnic body policing:
Origins and effects on East Asian Women.

Many, East Asian women increasingly travel widely outside of East Asian countries to western ones and vice versa. Additionally, many East Asian women travel to the United States of America to attend College and Graduate programs. Globalization and western media are increasing their foot hold in East Asian countries. The universal aesthetic of beauty is becoming increasingly popular. This paper compares and contrasts the differences and similarities in East Asian cultural feminine beauty aesthetics versus Asian American beauty norms and aesthetics. I will discuss colonization in Asia and how this affects social norms and habits and its effects.
This semester, In fulfillment of the requirements for Anthropology of sexuality class I conducted three separate interviews with East Asian students. Two female identified and one male; each interviewee was asked the same questions in an effort to get a broader base for potential themes that would arise. This interview focuses on the interview with a Female identified, heterosexual Taiwanese graduate student between the ages of 25/30. It is important to make the distinction here, that she is originally from Taiwan and immigrated to the United States for the purpose of attending Graduate school in the Fine Arts. Major themes arising were ideals of beauty, femininity, colonialism, globalization and capitalism.
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