
Cultural Differences Between Europeans And Native Americans

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It is no secret that Europeans and Native Americans have an intricate history of conflict and cooperation. Going all the way back to the 16th century, where it all started, their encounters were mostly unpleasant. Indians were the first ones to settle in the Americas, so they had to be creative when it came to living with all this new land. Each tribe had their own culture, beliefs, religions, ideas, and ways of living which for the most part, were not in agreement with European lifestyle. In my opinion, all of those differences are what lead the Europeans and Native Americans relationship to frequent destruction. Native Americans had many encounters with Europeans, one of which involving the French. They first came into contact with each other around the 1600s and were predominantly civil. In fact, compared to all the other Europeans who came to America, I believe that they had the most pleasant of interactions. The French primarily traded with local natives when they first …show more content…

When they sailed across the Atlantic, they ended up in the Caribbean. This is where the Spaniards initiated slavery and forcibly worked a large amount of Indians to death, eventually replacing them with Africans. An example of Spaniards imposing slavery upon Natives was the creation of the encomienda system, which was used to effectively enslave the Indians and seize their land. They started marrying one another and producing mestizos, the offspring of a Spaniard and American Indian. Unfortunately, much of it was due to rape. The negative effects on the Indians were not only the consequence of their mistreatment; a vast amount of people died as a result of the Columbian Exchange, a transfer of animals, diseases, culture, ideas, and more. Specifically, when Europeans came to America, they brought over diseases such as smallpox, measles, and influenza. These illnesses were extremely detrimental for

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