
Cultural Impact Of Puritans On The 18th And 18th Century

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Cultural impacts of Puritans in the 17th and 18th century Puritanism could be defined by many as a huge turning point of the history of our culture. When we hear the word, “Puritan” it invokes a sense of religion, of strict values and correctness that laid the raw foundation for the different branches of churches today. Not only did they play a monumental part in the growth of Calvinism, but of early colonial government and the movement and spread of people across North America. Although their values and ideals are radical in terms of modern beliefs, our culture would not have formed the way it did without the early influence of Puritans. Most confuse the group of Puritans that escaped England with the Mayflower separatists, but that is not the case. Their cause was not to destroy the Church of England or forsake it, nor its reformed beliefs that they were unhappy with, it was to sculpt and whittle their own place of worship in an area where they could no longer be punished for it, while still clinging tightly to the essentials of Calvinism. This is where their journey starts, with the group of 900 that docked in the New World on June 12, 1630. Due to the group of Puritans lead by John Winthrop, we would eventually come to have an early American culture lead by strong austerity and obedience, and in time those that resulted from the downfall of this harsh society. In the absence of these strict settlers, we would not have such a strong sense of congregationalism and

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