
Puritans Influence

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The Puritanism passage in the textbook has two key themes laced throughout its paragraphs and those are the influence that the Puritans had on America, and that the Puritans are misunderstood and remembered for all the wrong reasons. When the Puritans came over to America they brought with them so much more than the supplies to last. The Puritans brought their new ideas and their desire to achieve success. The Puritans, thanks to their successful mindset, allowed for their influence to reach far beyond what they would have imagined. The Puritans are the ancestors of over 8 million Americans today ("Puritans"), and their established cities are still some of the oldest most successful cities in America ("Puritans"). Not only have the Puritans been a part of our gene pool for …show more content…

The Puritans also wanted to have a system where everyone's voice could be heard, so they set up "congregational" and later knew them as "town meetings" ("Puritanism"). In America today we also hold "town meetings" to create a voice for the American people. The Puritans also believe in the idea of original depravity, or that everyone is full of sin-that sin was transferred to everyone from Adam. They believed that were predestined by God and only grace could save them- no good works, no baptism, and no prayers ("Puritanism"). While most Americans have adapted the theological belief of Christianity, some of the Puritan ideas such as; having an open and honest relationship with those around you, keeping no secrets, and relying on friends and family to help with religious and societal issues have transferred into the American society ("Puritans"). However, the Puritans are only remembered for their brash beliefs and their strict governments but that is not solely the

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