
Cultural Linguistic Assignment

Decent Essays

Cultural Linguistic Appropriate Services standard number two applies to my employer because it utilizes education and training to ensure employees comprehend importance of cultural care. The organization allocates funds toward continuing education. For example, our facility uses a program called HealthStream; hence, a computer based program that allows medical staff to keep current on policies through instructive material (Premier Health, 2013). Also, my employer has a diversity office that provides all affiliated branches educational material on diversity. Employees gain knowledge on competencies and the ability to comprehend multicultural perceptions (Premier Health, 2014). I think one way to improve care is to address cultural diversity in the monthly staff meetings. Prior to this assignment, I did not know where to locate diversity information at my facility. Sometimes, the people do not take the proper amount of time to read the slides on HealthStream, so mandating a yearly diversity training session, …show more content…

My facility uses the MARTTI system for non-English speaking individuals. However, some patients want a female interpreter and one may not be available. This can lead to non-disclosure of important information. Since the MARTTI is a computer based interpreter it lacks personal touch. To improve cultural care, facilities need to have a backup plan for circumstances when a female interpreter is not available. A phone interpreter or live person may need to be used at the facility. Also, medical personnel should be in the room when interpreters are utilized to create a trusting relationship. Facilities should hire bilingual employees and interpreters, because a live person can create a warm, inviting, trusting atmosphere (Shirk, 2014). Creating a trusting atmosphere will enable a person to disclose more information resulting in better

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