
Cultural Perception Of Childhood

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Perception of childhood, has many cultural influences. These influences have social and medical routes many questions come to mind when individuals become caregivers and guide a child into toddler hood. Expectations from friends and family encourage patterns of behavior for parenting, for example the connection of the “time out”, this this related to to shame and doubt in a child’s development. Often, overlooked is the topic of discipline and long term factors such a early introduction to daycare, verses homeschooling. Fostering autonomy in Western (Untied States) cultures, are different than Asian, or eastern cultures. Customs, in the U.S. encourage separate sleeping arrangements for infants, that is continued in to different layers of parenting styles (Newman, 2015). Methods that make each culture unique has psychological benefits, …show more content…

The phase of development is sometimes known as the terrible twos. The will to achieve things on one's own is a child's first attempts at gaining autonomy. The feelings of self-confidence when confronted with shame stunt the growth of worth for a child and replaces these feelings with self doubt. Intense feelings of shame do not result in a reinforced prosocial behavior. Often shame motivates a child to feel defenseless, and they respond with aggression or anger (Tangney & Dearing, 2002; Tangney & Mashek, 2004) (Newman, 2015). The benefits of the delay of gratification has lasting effects that help a child become more advanced benefits include regulation of emotional communications, and it is reported by parents their children are more academically competent than their peers (Newman, 2015). Self control is evident in children who participated in socialization these children are more suited to regulate their emotions and benefits are further reported in liter life school settings (Newman, 2015).

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