
What Is The Difference Between White And Native American Culture

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People had already been living in America long before the white man ever “discovered” it. These people were known as the Native Americans. Most of them had lived peacefully on the land, for hundreds of years until the early 1800s when white settlers began their move west. As these white settlers came upon the Native Americans, they brought with them unwavering beliefs that would end up causing great conflicts with the Native people, who had their own set of values. It was clear that the white man and the Native Americans could not live among each other peacefully for their values and culture were much too different. The Native Americans who occupied America before any white settlers ever reached the shores “covered the land as the …show more content…

The white men and women could not understand these values, and felt very strongly that what they were doing was right. However, the Native Americans strongly regarded their way of live. In their culture, the order of nature was vastly important. It was understood that there was an order to which nature worked and that they were tied to the land of their ancestors. They could not comprehend how the whites could “wander far from the graves of [their] ancestors and seemingly without regret” (Chief Joseph 2). The white settlers came to America and immediately started to conquer the land, without feeling any shame. To the Native Americans, that was shocking, for they believed that “even the rocks, which seem to be dumb and dead...[had] memories of stirring events connected with the lives of [their] people” (Chief Joseph 3). They did not understand how someone could forget their ancestors, and fight nature in such a way that there is room for nobody but themselves. Although the values of nature and land caused conflict, they were not the only values that these two races butted heads about. Among other difference, there was that of religion, or in other words a higher power. The white man came to the Native Americans singing praise to their God, telling the Native people that they had a “common Heavenly Father” (Chief Seattle 1). The Native Americans however did not see it this

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