
Curiosity Of Ivan Pavlov

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Curiosity that struck Ivan Pavlov with the idea of reflexes that all organisms possess led to the beginning of classical conditioning. It became the very first concept of learning, which consequently inspired other behaviorist psychologists to come up with more learning theories. As a result, Ivan Pavlov is considered one of the first people to establish behaviorist psychology and define its position and beliefs. Over time, behaviorist psychologists together modified the existing learning theories and introduced new learning theories and techniques with significantly increased efficiency and practicality. Therefore, behaviorist therapists now use different types of learning methods to reinforce an individual to behave in a certain way. Moreover, psychology now shares key features with modern science and asks powerful and critical questions that may influence the entire world.
Ivan Pavlov spent his childhood in Ryazan in central Russia and regularly attended a church school and theological seminary as he was the …show more content…

Pavlov started out his experiment from his firm belief that there are certain actions a dog does not need to learn to perform. He described the phenomenon in which dogs salivate as soon as they see food as a reflex that is “hard wired” into the dogs. He called this naturally occurring response the unconditioned response because there was a clear connection between a certain stimulus and a response in the behavior of the dogs that did not require learning. Similarly, Pavlov called the food the unconditioned stimulus because it naturally and automatically triggered a response, like salivating. In short, he succeeded in proving that any object or event which the dogs learn to associate with food would more likely to trigger the same response -- he discovered the general principle of the classical conditioning.

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