
Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night Essay

Satisfactory Essays

For my review of one of the Capstone projects, I will be looking at “Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time” video, which included Kaitlyn Brown, Selvi Gallegos, Arianna Licon, and Armando Lopez. One of the things that I think the group did very well on is how they arranged the scenes in their video. In the actual book, Christopher, the main character and narrator, often jumps between different subjects throughout the different chapters. For example, one chapter may be about what’s happening in the story, then the next chapter will be a tangent in which he may describe how his mind works or why he likes certain things. In the movie, the clips were edited so that one scene would be the actual story and the next would be a scene in which friends of …show more content…

For example, the movie only mentions that Christina had found her mother’s letters, but it never really went into detail as to what they said, something which is very important to understanding the rest of the story. Something else is the fact that the movie ended off with Christina’s mother telling the police officer of her boyfriend hitting Christina. Even though I didn’t really care for this ending, I think it was a very interesting and creative idea of the group members to end the movie off on a cliff hanger like that. Finally, one other problem with the movie was the aesthetics of it. In some scenes, you could hear the cameraman saying “action” or something similar, and the camera was also quite shaky at times. Overall, I think that the movie came out fairly well. It gave viewer an idea of what the story was about and also intrigued them by cutting to completely separate scenes sometimes and ending off on a cliff hanger, and even though some small details were left out, I think it ended up being an entertaining and compelling

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