
Curley's Wife Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Curley’s wife is the only lady on the ranch who becomes lonely because she wants to talk to someone but her and her husband dislike each other. He is very controlling and won’t allow her talk to any of the men. However, some of the men such as Lennie are attracted to her, “She’s purty” he says about her, but they don’t talk to her in fear of Curley. On the ranch, she is known as a ‘tart’ because she flirts with the other men to get herself some attention. The reason she is such a flirtatious person is because she knows her beauty is her power and she can use it to flirt with the other men to make her husband jealous. She also believes that she would make it to the movies one day. She says to Lennie "I ain’t meant to live like this…,” she thinks

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