
Curses In Ancient Egypt

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A Curse is sending out negative energy with the intent of causing harm to someone. If you practice Wicca then you will never perform curses Because of the Wiccan Rede. There are a few religions that do believe in and will use Curses when needed, however, and there is also a belief that in ancient Egypt they used curses on items. tombs, and even people, You can even find Curses in the bible. Keep in mind the amount of negative energy that would be needed to curse someone is not healthy for you to be carrying around if you do have that much negative energy towards someone you need to find a way to let it go in a more helpful way for yourself and your health. A Curse is sending out negative energy with the intent of causing harm to someone. …show more content…

The idea became so widespread as to become a pop-culture mainstay, especially in horror films (though originally the curse was invisible, a series of mysterious deaths, rather than the walking dead mummies of later fiction). The "Curse of the Pharaohs" is supposed to haunt the archaeologists who excavated the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, whereby an imprecation was supposedly pronounced from the grave by the ancient Egyptian priests, on anyone who violated its precincts. Similar dubious suspicions have surrounded the excavation and examination of the (natural, not embalmed) Alpine mummy, "Ötzi the Iceman." While such courses are generally considered to have been popularized and sensationalized by British journalists of the 19th century, ancient Egyptians were in fact known to place curses inscriptions on markers protecting temple or tomb goods or property." Wikipedia, author unknown, …show more content…

because without the knowledge how will you know what it is you believe. You can not just go on what others believe or what you read online or in a book, one has to study and choose for himself, what is right and what is wrong. but If you practice Wicca than likely you will never perform curses Because of the Wiccan Rede.which says do what you will as long as you harm none as well as the 3 fold law, A curse is definitely a way of causing harm and is done with that intent in mind. So, a curse would most definitely be against the Wiccan Rede in every

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