
Cutting Is NOT The Cause Of Self-Harm

Decent Essays

It needs to be addressed that cutting isn’t what self-harm is all about. Self-harm could be could be burning your skin, hitting yourself or a wall, over or under eating which could lead to eating disorder in the nearby future and also overdosing, there’s many forms of self-harm but these are the main ones so it’s not only cutting. The cause of self-harm could be brought on by thing such as bullying, abuse (house abusive) in which this case the victim may think they deserve the pain then inflicting it on themselves, mental health problems and depression which is leading cause. Depression isn’t always widely addressed so it makes it harder for us to understand the emotional pain someone must feel for them inflict pain on themselves as an only solution to issue. It’s shocking how someone can be emotionally broken that the only way to relieve mental pain is to inflict physical pain upon themselves. It’s complicated what runs through their minds, almost as if, once they visit they can’t escape. Almost as if demons are inside their head and just won’t go away. Self-harm can usually go unnoticed because the victim themselves will do all they can to hid it from others. There is such possibilities that a few people such as close friends may know about the struggles you face. If you’re one of …show more content…

But by asking, you are opening yourself a door to recovery. Recovering will be hard no doubting that but it is possible. it will take time but it will be all worth dedicating your time to because it will be a turning point in your life. Those of you who self-harm, you probably feel like it’s impossible, your mind tells you this because you’re scared of failing, scared that it won’t work but I promise you it’s possible. When you feel empty look at your inspiration such as Demi Lovato or Vic Fuentes; they both self-harmed and they are still here, standing stronger than ever. They proved the world wrong and so can

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