
Cyber Bullying Is Bad

Decent Essays

“Sticks and stones will break your bones but words will never hurt you.” Yeah, right. With the increasing rate of technology in our everyday lives, cyber bullies have more and more ways to find and attack their next victims, and it’s hurting more than ever. There are many ways people can eliminate cyberbullying though, starting with getting help for individuals. Teach your kids how to properly behave online and let them know it is okay to report any bullying they see, whether they are the victim or a bystander. You also need to understand that online bullying can be much worse than real-life “playground” bullying (Strom and Strom). The fear-factor of anonymity is increased (Beale), it is much harder to track down the real oppressor, and cyber bullies often do not see how much emotional pain they can cause (Strom and Strom). Consequences are always a big debate with bullies too, and no one should punish another without seeing their side of the story (Adams).
Everyone needs to know what to do incase they, or anyone they see online, are being bullied. Ensure that everyone knows to report or delete any bullying they see, show it to a trusted adult, and to put their account on private, if they are a victim. You can also teach good citizenship and …show more content…

The first thing that usually pops to mind is anonymity. When someone does not know for sure who could be out there, it could cause them to become more scared, and it could be their best friend for all they know. If a cyberbully is caught, they could always just say their account was hacked, or their friend took their phone and it wasn’t them. As if that wasn’t enough, when people bully online they often can not see the effects of their actions, and how much pain they might have caused . This might tempt bullies to continue bullying, because they don’t understand how severe the consequences are (Strom and

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