
Cycle Of Poverty In America

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The United State Declaration of Independance was signed for ¨Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” for everyone in America. The “American Dream” is not the same from one person to another. Some people wants to freedom, some people wants money, some people wants fame, and some people want a lot of different things. Whatever that dream is, not everyone have the same chance and opportunity at pursuing it because of poverty. Poverty comes from inequality in an abundance wealth and education absence. If not impossible, it is tremendously tough for those in poverty to be at the level of others and have the same probability of succeeding. However, it is possible to lift up those who are in poverty with a more reasonable wealth distribution …show more content…

Even the poor are still doing well compared to global poverty rate. In global poverty rate, out of the 15.3% of Americans who are considered to be in poverty, only 2% of those are believed to be in poverty. To live up to its name and status however, Americans need to be on the level on America and not other countries. One of the main reason why poverty rate in America haven’t decline since the 1970s (according to UCDavis, Center for Poverty Research) is because of the “Cycle of Poverty”. By definition, the ¨Cycle of Poverty” is a phenomenon where poverty in a family runs for at least three generations. This causes no one in the family to possess and teach the intellectual, social, and cultural knowledge to get out of poverty. Because this cycle, family of the poor usually stays poor and family of the rich usually stays rich. In a capitalist driven country like America, those who have money gets ahead and those who are poor gets left …show more content…

Creating more job would the ideal way to have people in poverty a way to get a reasonable source of income. To create more jobs, the federal government should invest in job-creation strategies such as rebuilding our infrastructure; developing renewable energy sources; restore or repair abandoned housing; and making other common-sense investments that create jobs, revitalize ghetto neighborhoods, and boost our national economy. According to Trading Economics, the unemployment rate of “4.7 was the lowest jobless rate since May 2007, as the number of unemployed persons declined by 326,000 to 7.2 million while the labor force participation rate was unchanged at an 11-month high of 63 percent.” More people are getting unemployed because of inclination in available

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