
Cyclops Mythology

Decent Essays

Cyclops: Man, Myth, or Beast?
Antonius Demopoulos
ITHACA - We’ve all been exposed to mythical beasts and we’ve all read those stories with creatures so bizarre and exotic that we would never think of them to be true. The king, Odysseus defies what we know about those beings and opens up to me about his encounters with the Cyclops.

Odysseus and his crew anxiously waiting to slay the beast.

“When I first saw him I was at a loss for words. I survived a treacherous war, and managed to escape the land of the lotus eaters, so I knew once we were trapped we had to get out”. Odysseus and his crew created an ingenious plan to kill the Cyclops. “We all had the same goal in mind so we followed through with a pure genius plan that all of us …show more content…

I mean I survived all of the unthinkable. After fighting in an unbearable 10 year war where countless soldiers died, I embarked on a journey to find my way home back to my throne in Ithaca. On my journey I lost all of my crew members due to the supernatural beasts that we encountered. I survived a Cyclops, the wrath of Circe, the temptation of the Lotus Eaters, and Zeus’ wrath. But after all of this, why me? Why out of all of my men did I survive? I caused all of this calamity, the Gods should have spared my crew and not me! Is this some torture? Did the Gods think that keeping me alive would make me think and ponder my actions? Well, it has. I have not been able to sleep since my return because I feel so guilty for the deaths of all of these men and every time I see their family a little part of me dies. I can’t step outside of my house anymore because I see either family member of the suitors or a family member of one of my crew men. I can barely look at my beautiful wife without thinking of those poor suitors that I impulsively slaughtered with all of the rage inside me. So to conclude, I officially resign as your king and hand off my throne to my son Telemachus. I am going to move to Corinth to live out my final years. I cannot continue to reside here without the guilt taking over me. Goodbye

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