
DSM-IV Definition

Decent Essays

Establishing a reliable and widely accepted definition of mental disorder is significant because it allows health care professionals to diagnose patients on a consistent basis, without being in wild conflict with a diagnosis made by another health care professional. While, clinicians may differ in their diagnoses, the differences are less grandiose if their conclusions are based off of the same criteria. Therefore, the definition of mental disorder must be broad enough to accommodate a wide variety of disorders and their symptoms, yet specific enough to the focus of an unhealthy mental situation that any mundane or momentary emotion does not qualify as a disorder. Based upon this framework, the DSM-IV definition of ‘mental disorder’ is adequate …show more content…

Ultimately, I believe the purpose of psychiatry is to aid the mentally disturbed and console the emotionally conflicted, basically meaning that psychiatrists help people cope with and pursue different, or all, aspects of life if they lack the same abilities or freedoms than that of the statistical norm. Therefore, the DSM-IV definition of ‘mental disorder’ adequately serves my perception of a psychiatrist’s duty, because the definition details that the individuals to be helped are those whom endure mental distress, disability, or an elevated likelihood of pain or …show more content…

Ultimately, this allows for gross misdiagnosis; for example, an individual could be restricted from a necessary treatment that could better his or her life simply because behaviors or patterns are perceived under the present cultural ideology as not unhealthy or impairing. Additionally, the opposite could occur, and an individual could receive medication for a disorder they do not have, which beyond being a wasteful expenditure of resources, could damage the patient’s

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