
DUI Attorney

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There are numerous benefits when you hire an attorney who specializes in the laws as they relate to drunk driving; however, many people are not aware of these benefits and hire a general attorney or avoid representation altogether. New Jersey DUI Attorneys represent the accused in court; additionally, the DUI lawyers inform them of their options, as well as possible penalties. Reasons to Hire New Jersey DUI Attorneys Assistance with Pleading Guilty or Not Guilty Obviously, your plea holds a lot of weight in your case, which is why you should not make this decision without the assistance of a qualified DUI attorney like Douglas Herring. As your DUI attorney, he can help you decide what to plea based on the evidence in your case; for example, if your blood alcohol content (BAC) was just slightly above the limit, this could be a gray area and helpful to your case. Although every case is different, consulting with a DUI attorney before you make your plea can lead to a better result. If You Are Facing Several Convictions, New Jersey DUI Attorneys Can Represent You If you were driving under the influence and caused injury or death to another, hiring a qualified DUI attorney is essential. Cases …show more content…

This study also finds that 32 percent of these companies state that when they discover a criminal record, they terminate the employee; thus, a DUI conviction could cause you to lose your current position and/or impede your career path: In a case such as this, hiring a DUI attorney is almost essential. Douglas Herring is one of the New Jersey DUI Attorneys who is well versed in the laws pertaining to drinking and driving in the state of New Jersey. He may be able to assist you in reducing your charges or dismissing them

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