
Daggers In Macbeth

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You would think that everyone keeps their morals no matter what is put on the table. In the play "Macbeth", the main character Macbeth makes some unbelievable choices and pays the price for "happiness". and ends up not being very successful with his choices. while reading this play I have realized that not everyone can make appropriate decisions when it comes to power. In the play "Macbeth" one of the major themes that can be derived by from the play is that when it comes to power some people can go too far, which is supported by the three motifs, the daggers, hallucinations and witches.
The first motif of the daggers supports the theme of when it comes to power people can go to far. The daggers represent murder and death. After Macbeth is told that he can become king only if he kills he takes the risk and kills. Macbeth kills the king, Duncan to rise up into power when the witches say he can become king. Once suspicion rises, and Macbeth suspects that Banquo might know about Duncan's murder, he kills Banquo, Macbeths best friend. Once deeper into the story Lady Macbeth becomes so insane and out of her mind she cant take it anymore and commits suicide. this is all the result of not how far people will go for power, killing the king, his best friend, and basically his …show more content…

After all the killings Macbeth had caused he had gone insane. Even before Macbeth had murdered the king he saw floating daggers right before. As well as after Macbeth hears voices. after the murder of Banquo he had caused, Macbeth started hallucinating. At one of his banquets Macbeth spotted the ghost of Banquo, the weird part is that no one else had spotted the ghost, therefore Macbeth had been hallucinating. this motif represents regret, and supports the theme of how far people will go for power, they would go so far that they know what there doing is so bad they have

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