
Dahmer And Wuornos Similarities

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The movie Monster released in 2003 is based on serial killer Aileen Wuornos. The second movie Dahmer also released in 2003 is based on the killings of Jeffery Dahmer. Both movies gave a fairly accurate view of both Dahmer and Wuornos. Although the movie Dahmer recreated actual events, the names are changed out of respect for Dahmer's victims. There were several similarities between Dahmer and Wuornos. Both killers struggled with substance abuse issues. Mental illness played a part in Wuornos’ killings, but at his trial Dahmer was declared sane. Another difference between the two killers were their upbringing. Dahmer had a stable loving family, whereas Wuornos childhood was full of instability and child molestation. Dahmer and Wuornos, different genders with very different childhoods, yet both struggled with substance abuse, and both Dahmer and Wuornos, tried unsuccessfully to use mental illness as their defense. In the closing scene of the lives of Dahmer and Wuornos, both end up dead, one at the hand of the executioner and one at the hand of a fellow inmate. The most obvious difference between Dahmer and Wuornos is gender. Aileen Wuornos …show more content…

Lionel Dahmer wrote about a young Jeffery Dahmer in his book simply titled “A Father's Story". Lionel speaks about the younger Dahmer’s addiction when he said that "Lionel and his new wife, Shari, were aware of Jeff's drinking problem ("I thought it was caused by anger over the divorce," says Lionel) and tried to straighten him out by enrolling him at The Ohio State University. After Jeff failed miserably and dropped out after one term, Lionel urged him to join the Army. He was posted to West Germany in 1979 but discharged for alcoholism in 1981" (Chin). While not as documented, Wuornos also struggled with alcohol and drugs. Wuornos frequented the local bars, drinking heavily and found herself in occasional trouble with the law due to her

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