
Daisy Child Development Essay

Decent Essays

The intention of observation 3 (appendix 3) was to view Daisy’s development from a holistic view. The aim of the observation was achieved, as Information retrieved can be linked to all areas of development. First, there was evidence of Language as Daisy communicated with another child about their activity (appendix 3). Daisy has exceptional language skills, she learns new words and will reiterate them afterwards. Chomsky (1928) suggests that children are born with a Language Acquisition Device, where they have the ability to learn any language, and they do so by hearing new words which they will attempt to imitate (Lemetyinen, 2012). The children are currently learning about the working farm, through this knowledge Daisy has learnt new words …show more content…

Vygotsky (1978) suggests that as children communicate with others through their play, they are also developing their cognitive skills. He considers children’s knowledge progresses further when they interact with others, as they are able to transfer their knowledge with one another (Hammersley- Fletcher et al, 2006). Throughout the observation there is evidence of physical development (appendix 3). There is the fine motor aspect where Daisy is drawing and writing. Then the gross motor where Daisy is running around, dancing and mounting stairs. Daisy has good gross motor control, however, her fine motor control is not as strong. Whilst writing it was evident that Daisy does not have firm pencil control, consequently, she does not form all letters correctly. During the observation, Daisy completed a teacher led writing activity. Daisy completed the task independently using her phonic knowledge, not all words were spelt correctly but they were phonetically plausible. Bruner (1957) suggests the importance of ‘scaffolding’ in children’s learning, which is the support that children receive from practitioners to develop their understanding (Graf & Birch, 2009). The teacher provided the children with support at the beginning of the task by explaining the activity, she went through each animal so children were aware of their name and wrote an example on the board to demonstrate the use of phonic knowledge for the task. As a result of doing this Daisy knew what the task

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