
Daisy's Death In The Great Gatsby

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"All I kept thinking about, over and over, was 'You can't live forever; you can't live forever" (44 eBook) This phrase never becomes as clear as is does at the end of the book. In the book "The Great Gatsby" written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the main character Gatsby, is shot by George Wilson after he thought that Gatsby ran over his Wife. Even though Mr. Wilson shot Gatsby he is not the one to blame for his death. The person to blame for his death is himself. Gatsby caused his own death because he loved Daisy too much, he got caught up in the moment, and he had no other choice. Gatsby loving Daisy too much is how he started to cause his own death. Daisy is a woman who would later marry Tom Buchanan. He fell in love with Daisy but didn’t tell …show more content…

Gatsby was a very smart and tactful man. He knew that Nick, the second cousin of Daisy, would be his ticket to getting closer to her. The book describes that Nick "found the house, a weather beaten cardboard bungalow at eighty a month" (5 eBook). The fact that Nick happened to find a house for 80 a month right next to Gatsby was no coincidence, Gatsby is a powerful man in the city with a lot of connections. We know that he has a mafia connection with his friend Wolfshiem “Mr. Carraway this is my friend Mr. Wolfshiem" (75 eBook). He could have used this connection to scare the land owner of the property next to him to make the rent lower so Nick would move in. He also further reached out to Nick by sending him an invitation to his party. Nick says in the book "I had been actually invited" (45 eBook). This was significant because nobody actually get invites to his party's, everyone just shows up. This was Gatsby's act of trying to be friends with Nick. But as Gatsby got closer and closer to Daisy he became careless and didn’t pay attention to Tom. Tom noticed Daisy liked Gatsby and created his own plan to get rid of him by making Mr. Wilson think Gatsby ran over and killed his

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