
Dan Ariely's Irrational Predictability Paradigm

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What has everyone motivated fof to get to the point of having to cheat,lie or steal based how one processes in mind in terms of honesty.Dan Ariely’s irrational predictability paradigm explains in what drives the motives into two theories according to his NPR podcast about honesty and dishonesty.The first being the cost/benefit theory in which sets the mind to someone who questions what is gained beneficially and the price it’ll take to get there resulting to whether it's worth doing it or not.Next is the second theory involved on how the influence that comes from society is effective which is considered more believable as we take time to view into by asking the question of what behavior is to be engaged in or not,with this we look at others …show more content…

It’s the main reason for me that mostly will break the rule as distractions are unchallenging to get my attention which gets me away from a task,assignment and project.To hold me from getting into this state I need to be reminded from someone to not do this as it’s what is needed to get the job done in which could affect my future in a way from repeating this mistake over and over again.The person that makes the rule is the one you don’t want to disappoint causing to have severe damage based on the situation being a career,interview for a job,learning and ect.Being further from the one who made the rule doesn’t help at all either only if another person knew about the task to keep them on check.From Ariely’s information based on his podcast it tells that everyone out there at one point has that act of behavior to seeing what others are doing to be successful in which switches them to think it’ll also make them successful.Although one has to keep in mind not every method works the charm for others in terms of keypoints to succeeding.Not to mention that it’s not always based on others and that the first theory gives a label of a leader.Making one's decision on what's best for them could either be a terrible or genuine choice.Moreover the conflict mainly is brought up from how others look up to another influencing others as they come into the world to do the same as if it were a cycle that keeps repeating

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