
Dancing In Chains: Feminist Satire In Pride And Prejudice

Decent Essays

In her work, "Dancing in Chains: Feminist Satire in Pride and Prejudice," Judith Wylie discusses the use of comedic characters in Jane Austin’s novel, Pride and Prejudice, and their role in creating a subtext which satirizes the treatment of women in a patriarchal society. Wylie proposes the idea that Austin uses a counter-narrative style of writing to create the satirical sub-text in order to avoid direct rebuke form the male literary community of her time. “Satire has long been considered the province of the male writer, and women, especially the older, outspoken ones, have been the target of the male satirist's venom” says Wylie. If Austin had openly criticized the male dominated establishment, she would not have been allowed to lead an extensive or successful literary career. Austin realized that if she wished to free herself from the “restrictive …show more content…

However, Austin is able to reverse these comedic messages and create a feminist sub-text that is contradictory to the original impression. This is primarily displayed through characters such as Pride and Prejudice’s Mrs. Bennet. Mrs. Bennet is portrayed throughout the novel as a woman who is frivolous, simple-minded, and silly. Her complaints are often dismissed as the “imaginary sufferings of an over-privileged female”, but Mrs. Bennet’s perspectives offers true insight on “the truth of the female condition” (Wylie). The object of Mrs. Bennet’s discontent and subject of her complaints is the future estate for herself and her daughters. Upon her husband’s death, Mrs. Bennet and her children stand to lose their home and position in society due to the system of entailment that prevailed during this era. When Mrs. Bennet attempts to gain sympathy from her husband on this matter, her efforts only cause him to regard her as an idiot.

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