
Jane Austen 's Pride And Prejudice

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In some novels, women either have a trivial role or contribute to the overall meaning of the work. In some fashion, women have an obvious or underlying hand in the grand scheme of the storyline. Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice is centered around the character of Elizabeth Bennet. Elizabeth’s character in itself is the embodiment of independence and non-conformity. In every aspect and trait of Elizabeth’s being, she constantly goes against the grain of what society perceives to be proper and correct. Through the use of Elizabeth’s appearance, adherence to social status, and concept of marriage, Jane Austen paints a character that has enough strong-will to challenge the strict social rules. Towards the beginning of the novel, readers …show more content…

Darcy, and Mr. Bingley’s conversation in the same scene at Netherfield. Mr. Bingley mentions that women “paint tables, cover skreens, and net purses” (26), all aspects in any social status that is considered accomplished. However, Elizabeth is never mentioned adhering to any of these traits from the beginning to the end of the novel. Elizabeth is unconcerned with the with the characteristics society claims forms a suitable woman. Elizabeth’s complete disregard for the principles of social status develops more throughout the novel, especially revolving around the topic of Mr. Darcy. Within the entire novel, Elizabeth seems to step out of the accepted “conversational zone,” especially with Darcy’s character. On numerous accounts, Elizabeth makes witty and sarcastic comments towards Darcy along the lines of “Books!—Oh! no—I am sure we never read the same, or not with the same feelings” (64). Elizabeth knows that she is not supposed to address a man like Mr. Darcy in such a fashion, especially since he has a more elevated social status. However, Elizabeth demonstrates that she does not care about the accepted rules of society and she will carry out her free-will to speak to Darcy however she pleases. No woman, especially of Elizabeth 's status, would dare speak to a man, in particular Mr. Darcy, in the manner Elizabeth does. The manner in which Elizabeth speaks to Mr. Darcy occurs with

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