
Dangerous Driving Research Paper

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Today’s society presents many dangers for young teens; risks like never before. Some include dangerous driving, others internet abuse and then others in their personal lives involving home issues. Teenagers all over the United States, and even in the world, have faced these challenges during their adolescent years. The times where they are becoming young adults, trying to find themselves but also making them vulnerable to peer-pressure and addiction. Dangerous driving is the offence of reckless driving that puts the driver and others on the road at risk of injury or death. Sixteen year olds have higher crash rates than drivers of any others age. Thirty-three percent of deaths among 13 to 19-year-olds in 2010 occurred in motor vehicle crashes. The reason behind that is fifty-six percent of teens say they talk on the phone while driving. Talking on a cell phone can double the likelihood of an accident as well as slow young driver’s reaction time down to that of a 70-year old. The seriousness in this statement is that 3,179 people were …show more content…

It is said that too much of something can in fact result in a bad situation. It is also said that Internet addiction can be just as harmful to teenager’s brains as cocaine. Cocaine, alcohol, and cannabis as well as internet addiction disrupt nerve wiring in the brains of teens. This addiction is classified as an impulse control disorder or out-of-control internet use. IAD diagnosed adolescents addicted to the internet and found evidence of disruption to “white matter’ nerve fibers connecting vital parts of the brain involved in emotions, decision-making, and self-control. Other than the scientific evidence, it’s said to “Impair their quality of life.”(Leon Watson) Either substance or internet addictions, most teens have faced these challenges. (Internet addiction can be as harmful to teenager’s brains as cocaine and

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