
Essay about Dangerous Work of Doctors Worldwide

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Dr Mehmet Güllüoğlu has been appointed as the new Director General by the TRCS Board of Directors on 8 December 2013. Dr Güllüoğlu was born in 1982 in Konya. He graduated from Marmara University Medical Faculty. In 2008 Mehmet Güllüoğlu started to work as project coordinator for Doctors Worldwide. He also worked for Turkish Health Ministry and Health Directorate of İstanbul. He is continuing to study at the doctoral program in public health at the Medical Faculty of Istanbul University. He is married and has two kids. It is known that during his work in Doctors Worldwide he has met PM Erdoğan. Güllüoğlu has accompanied and briefed Erdoğan during a visit to Somalia 3. Overview of the National Society o Founded in 1868, it is one of the …show more content…

3. TRCS national activities Regional and local Disaster Response and Logistics Centers (emergency shelter and feeding capacity for 250’000 persons; psychosocial support, etc). Tent Manufacturing Center; Blood Centers and Blood Stations ; Medical Centers; Community Centers ; First Aid Centers ; Soup Kitchen ; Youth Camps ; Student Dormitories ; Nursing Homes ; Afyonkarahisar Mineral Water Inns. 4. TRCS Strategic Plan 2010-2015 – main aspects 1) to improve and disseminate the Red Crescent culture (sic), 2) to make perfect the organisational function and interaction at local, national and international level, 3) to focus on services to provide qualified and efficient service, 4) to support the sustainability of Turkish Red Crescent humanitarian activities by carrying out and making efficient income generated and supportive activities compatible with the mission.Based on the TRCS indicators of these objectives, dissemination of IHL, training of TRCS staff for international operations, to comply the TRCS international operations with the international strategies, policies and standards, publishing articles, books, researches on disaster mitigation, preparedness, response at national and international level could be the areas where ICRC can cooperate in the future. 5. International Activities – selection In recent years, TRCS has delivered humanitarian aid to the following contexts : o Pakistan (2005) o

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