
Dangers Of Cell Phone While Driving

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Make the Choice "Phone in one hand ticket in the other"(television advertisement) the cell phone causes many distractions in the world today. It really does not matter what you are involved in it may be driving, at work, at school, and or just trying to take care of your children. When that cell phone rings, there you go looking for it. Almost forgetting what you are being involved in doing. In cases, that you are behind the wheel of a vehicle this situation can be vary dangerous. Sometime you can make other drivers angry on the road just for the simple fact that you are not obeying the law, or that you are just not paying attention and creating other hazards on the road for other drivers. Driving while talking on the phone has been proven to be very dangerous. “The highway safety researchers estimated that cell phone use by drivers caused around 955 fatalities and 240,000 accidents over all in 2002.” (Richtel) When people talk on the phone while driving, they not only endanger their lives but everyone in the vehicle and on the road. Its like a domino effect it not only affects you when you make the wrong decision it will affects others that are involved immediately and going into their family, friend, and loved ones. Oritz 2 Cell phones are a danger on the road in many ways. Two new studies show that talking on the phone while traveling, whether you’re driving or on foot, are increasing both pedestrian deaths and those of drivers and passengers, and recommend

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