
Daniel In The Royal Research Paper

Decent Essays

The male individual is Daniel. The story is about Daniel in the Lions’ Den from Daniel 6. He was gifted and did a good job at the King’s palace, but some people were jealous and tried to kill him by manipulating a law that prohibited anyone from asking anything from their God except the King for 30 days. Daniel’s praying three times per day violated the new law. He was thrown into the pit of lions although the king attempted to save him. However, the miracle happened. The next day, when they king came to see whether Daniel was protected by his God. He found that Daniel did not get a scratch because God had sealed lions’ mouths as he is an innocent man. Then the king punished the people who accused Daniel and asked all people in his kingdom …show more content…

There are always people who like or dislike you; however, we are all gifted in different way. I am learning to appreciate each individual’s talent; at the same time, I should perform as best as I can to glory Him and for Him. Worrying whether some people would hurt me is useless as the justice is with the Lord. I am encouraged by Daniel’s faith in God, who protects us and performs miracles.

Hannah - 1 Samuel 1

The female individual is Hannah. Her story is from 1 Samuel 1. She was married to a man who had two wives. The other wife Peninnah often shamed Hannah as she had no children. Hannah brought this matter to God and had prayed earnestly, promising to offer her son to serve the Lord. God answered her prayer, and Hannah did give her first child to the Lord all the days of his life. This child became one of the greatest prophets in Israel. His name is Samuel.

I think that prayer is a very powerful mean as in Hannah’s story. Not only do we should pray but also pray consistently for a matter that is important. I have done so for a life partner, and I found my sweet husband who is more than I asked. As for a child in our life, he is not for the idea. I am not sure either although I think that there should be at least one child in one’s life. I will pray for how to pray on this first rather than asking a child from God. I trust that He will guide us and perform miracles in our lives. He knows what is good for

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