
Dante's Inferno

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An Analysis of Dante’s Inferno
“Heaven” and “Hell”, Dante Alighieri discusses these places in his book the “Divine Comedy”. The dissection of the word comedy can show how the author wants us to view the story as a happy ending, by his use of the word comedy. The “Divine Comedy” was broken into three parts. The first part was “Dante’s Inferno” followed by part two “Pergatorio” and the last part was “Paridiso”. The dissection of the “Divine Comedy” provides the reader with a detailed interpretation of the story. The first focus is the concept of “hell” and interesting enough the concept captures the reader’s attention from the thought of how “hell” really is. A burning fury of sins actually gains the attention of the reader from the pure evil …show more content…

The first part of the poem is “Inferno” and the topic of the analysis. As the analysis of the poem is sought after, one must first understand the concept of the author. “An Italian from Florence, Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) was a writer and poet who was involved in the political life of his native city” (Gillon). He writes in an earlier time and with the dialect of his native language. Dante wrote his poem in such a way that the people of his region and time could understand the entire meaning of his descriptive work. Dante, also, involved himself into his work to grab a personal connection to his writing and portrayal of his topic. “Influenced by his reflections about man and society, Dante differs from his contemporaries in that he depicts his individuality, his own self, which was a great literary innovation at the time (Gillon). The concept of Dante inserting himself or a portrayal of himself into his work gives the reader a connection of how the poem is meant to be told. Patrick Hunt provides a description of how Dante inserts himself in his work as he describes it as, “It is fictional but at the same time nonetheless grounded in relevents of Dante’s life (Hunt). Dante’s introduction of the “Inferno” demonstrates his incorporation oh himself as it depicts Dante as the narrator and his journey through the circles of “hell”. “Midway along the journey of our life I woke to find myself in a dark wood” (Puchner pg. 1053). The first sentence of the poem shows the author’s involvement to the poem as he uses the word “I” and “our” as a connection to himself and the people of his

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