
Daodejing: Primary Documents Of Daoism

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Stated in the primary document of Daodejing, it dates back to 300 BCE when it was first produced. This work was attributed to Laozi, but has not been proven completely true that it is his work. The Daodejing was written after the Zhou Dynasty had lost its authority and the government was split into small states. This piece focuses on “the way” an idea of philosophy of Daoism. The Daodejing states that, “The way is empty. It may be used without ever being exhausted.” The Daodejing is in a poetic form, which is attractive to many readers. The text of the Daodejing can be hard to read and understand because it is written so deep with such profound thought. The first few sentences of the Daodejing are intriguing because it states, “The way that can be spoken of is not the constant way, he name that can be named is the not the constant name, the nameless …show more content…

Some parts of this piece are hard to understand because they are counter-intuitive. Such as “ When everyone in the world knows beauty as beauty, ugliness appears.” It also states, “Difficult and easy give completion to one another; Long and short form one another; high and low fill one another.” These parts of the Daodejing seem almost backwards because it is taking opposites and merging them as one. It tells the reader “ Do not exalt the worthy, and people will not compete.” This is saying that, if we don’t recognize social statuses we align people with; no one will be competing for this “ideal” lifestyle. Therefore; creating a more peaceful and tranquil society. The Daodejing has a different way of thinking than society perceives the ideal life to be. Society pursues this idea of being the “best”, achieving the most, and striving to get on top. The Daodejing emphasizes a new idea of not acknowledging this idea of being the most prestige and everyone will be better

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