
Darcy Deception

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In the novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen we have the opportunity to see first hand through the eyes of the author an interpretation of what she perceives to be the social norms and expectations revolving around different topics like marriage, love, and deception. The central plot in the novel revolves around two main characters Elizabeth and Darcy. Despite any emotional connection or mutual feelings they have for each other they are torn apart because of two different worlds society makes them believe they live in. Throughout the novel, Darcy deceive the people around him mostly the people he truly cares about in order to protect them. Darcy decides to do what he believes would be the best thing to protect those he cares about in order to protect them and their feelings. Darcy's best friend, Bingley finds himself attracted to Elizabeth's sister Jane. However, Darcy didn’t see or understand that Jane’s guard was up and he genuinely believed that Jane didn’t feel the same way. Darcy then decides to stop anything between Bingley and Jane from happening in order to spare his friends feelings. Further into the novel, Bingley and Jane end up being in London at the same time. Darcy deceives Bingley once again and kept him away from knowing that Jane was in town as well. Although …show more content…

Many characters used it to their advantage while others used it to protect others. Although, Darcy is seen as such a cold hearted individual when in reality he still had a soft side for those individuals that he genuinely cares about. In the novel Darcy looks out after his close friends Bingley and Elizabeth. He wanted to protect Bingley from getting hurt when he realizes that he was into Jane but didn’t feel like Jane felt the same way towards him. He protected Elizabeth from having to go through the feeling of embarrassment by paying Wickham in order for him to marry Elizabeth’s sister without telling

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